[sugar] Education?

Antoine van Gelder hummingbird at hivemind.net
Sat Mar 17 09:52:26 EDT 2007

Ian Bicking wrote:
> Antoine van Gelder wrote:
>> Don Hopkins wrote:
>>> Of course it might just be more powerful and efficient to 
>>> re-implement something like Klik-and-Play from scratch in Python, as 
>>> a plug-in visual scripting component, which can be used to script a 
>>> HyperCard-like gui environment, and games built on top of it like 
>>> SimCity and Robot Odyssey.
>> Anyone know the current status of being able to turn an AST tree 
>> emitted by the Python compiler module back into code after it has been 
>> modified ?
> I think Boxer is an interesting middleground between a full visual 
> scripting environment, and something more visual than typical Python 
> source code.  It's an old/dead project, and I never was able to actually 
> get the code to run well (in OS 9 emulation), but the paper is 
> interesting: http://www.soe.berkeley.edu/boxer/papers.html

Thanks Ian - the 'ports' concept in particular is giving me a lot of 
food for thought!

  - antoine

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