[sugar] Pygame Mouse Events

Pedro Kayatt pekayatt at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 09:33:12 EDT 2007

Hi guys,

I make part of a Research Groups from Brazil, USP, called LSI, and we re
developting some activities to the XO, and in the last weeks I made a
musical game in pygame.
You can found more information on
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Quebra-Cabeca_Musical including the code (at
googlecode qcmusical).

But when I play it on my desktop, there's no errors, so i start to include
it in XO, like an activity. I download the olpcgames wrapper from
coderanger, and follow the steps of
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Game_development_HOWTO but when I start the
activity I can start the game.. even the main screen load.

I think this can be because this game is like an point and click game, using
all the time the mouse.

So, anyone have suggestions?

Pedro Kayatt
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