[sugar] Booting to text mode

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Mon Dec 17 11:55:02 EST 2007

Hi Paul,

   > After the counting up period (clockwise sequence of 10 dots around
   > the OLPC logo), the screen does blank. I can hit "I" on the 10th
   > dot, right before the graphical switches back to text in order to
   > get the prompt "Start 0-boot-anim-start (Yes, No, Continue)"
   > Choosing 'I' continues to provide the response "JFFS2 notice: wrong
   > data CRC in data node..." and the PC doesn't continue further.

Ah, I see.  You should boot with the "check" (tick) game pad key held
down, to turn off "pretty boot" and put you on the Linux tty.  Give that
a try?

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>

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