[sugar] Booting to text mode

Paul Kippes paul.wants.no.spam at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 09:16:52 EST 2007

No, not yet.  But seeing that this is Fedora gives me hope.

I don't believe that I am seeing any prompt.  In this case, a prompt
to me would mean a bash prompt.

After the counting up period (clockwise sequence of 10 dots around the
OLPC logo), the screen does blank. I can hit "I" on the 10th dot,
right before the graphical switches back to text in order to get the
prompt "Start 0-boot-anim-start (Yes, No, Continue)"  Choosing 'I'
continues to provide the response "JFFS2 notice: wrong data CRC in
data node..." and the PC doesn't continue further.

Does the as-delivered OLPC have any ability to interface to a GRUB
menu without editing any file?

If this list has no recommendations, I'll study the wiki in order to
build a USB flash bootable OLPC image, attempt to mount my OLPC home
partition, and modify the the file that is messed up.  I'll direct
further questions to the devel at lists.laptop.org list if the USB boot
method doesn't pan out.


On Dec 17, 2007 1:02 AM, Chris Ball <cjb at laptop.org> wrote:
> Hi,
>    > This question is for a recently received OLPC.  I've managed to
>    > input text that is causing my networks.cfg file to improperly
>    > parse.  If I could access the prompt, I could have a fair chance at
>    > fixing it.
> You should have enough time at the prompt to type:
> root
> init 3
> .. which will stop the loop.
> Hope that helps,
> - Chris.
> --
> Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>

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