[Server-devel] [support-gang] "Modern" Browser XO-1

Adam Holt holt at laptop.org
Mon Jan 11 12:23:29 EST 2016

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Sora Edwards-Thro <sora at unleashkids.org>

> Hi all,
> What's the most "modern" browser someone could install on an XO-1? (either
> Sugar or Gnome side). What options do we have for upgrading to support
> specific apps?
> This is a generic question that I figure others would be interested. I
> have a specific problem I want to deal with in the future, but not enough
> information to ask a good question about it yet.

This affects so many so I'm expanding the conversation to others who know
more: what modern/snappy browsers do different folk out there find are most
viable for XO-1 (primarily, but all other XO laptops too) going forward?

For offline content / offline deployments especially, where security risks
are theoretically a lot lower -- but yet these schools increasingly need to
render "modern" HTML5/Javascript content, and will use Gnome or Sugar
depending which browser's best -- and hopefully Sugarizer soon too!
Currently on the SD cards for XO-1 we're preparing for many countries (and
Los Angeles' big SCaLE show in 10 days) we include these 3 browsers so
people have options:

    OLPC Release 13.2.6's Browse activity (far better than older browsers ;)
    Epiphany on Gnome (wonderfully fast!)
    Firefox 26.0 on Gnome (I wish something more up-to-date was available
for Fedora 18, but apparently not?)

Going forward what subtleties should we be paying attention to between
browsers to do better?  Separately, why does Firefox 43.x still seem like a
hog after so many years, after major improvement recently isolating tabs
from one another as Chrome pioneered?  (And where is Nick Doiron hiding in
Asia, to solve all our front-end problems when we need him ;-)

Thanks all for digging deeper into this annoying-yet-central question --
hemlines rise and fall in the fashion industry of which browsers are
coolest/fastest one year to the next -- but at the same time we need to
come full circle making strong recommendations to deployments that
constantly keep asking us =}

Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
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