[Server-devel] [support-gang] XSCE Sprint

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Tue Jul 9 12:52:42 EDT 2013

> 1 - An effective way to organize the digital library so that kids are
>> attracted to find items they would like to download.
> We hope that we can evolve, and incorporate Pathagar for this in the short
> term.  I've asked if there are other  open source alternatives, and not
> gotten any viable suggestions. Seth insists that Pathagar is only going to
> work for books. I'd like a multimedia warehouse.
OPDS, the protocol used by Pathagar, can manage any media.

In sugar we use GetBooks activity to download books, but there are no
limitations to use it to other media.
In fact, Ceibal use a modified version to download music too.

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