[Server-devel] [support-gang] Attempting to upgrade XO 1.5 firmware. Says "activation lease not found"

Kevin Mark kevin.mark at verizon.net
Sat Jul 20 17:43:24 EDT 2013

On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 10:58:45AM -0400, Kevin Cole wrote:
> As per Mr. Drake's request, the exact messages I saw before
> failure were (unless I made another stupid typo copying):
>    Trying disk:\fs.zip
>    Trying disk:\fs1.zip
>    Trying ext:\fs.zip
>    Trying ext:\fs1.zip
>    Trying NANDblaster
>    Boot device /dropin-fs:nb15_rx Arguments: ssid:OLPC-NANDblaster
>    Scan for: OLPC-NANDblaster not found
>    Can't open network
>    ok
> which I hadn't tried to interpret the first time. I noticed
> "NANDblaster" and remembered reading something about the firmware
> fixing NANDblaster, and went on a wild goose chase the first time
> around.

When the XO is powered-on with the 4-game-key held-down, it tries to find a
medium with which it can upgrade. And that message is showing you the various
places its looking for an upgrade medium.  Its looking for a file named
'fs.zip' on the XOs internal disk, then then its looking for the file named
'fs1.zip', then its looking for an external disk connected to the USB ports,
then its looking for a wifi signal from Nandblaster, at which point, it failed
to find any useful upgrade medium.

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