[Server-devel] Server rec for Kasiisi (Brian Ghidinelli)

Brian Ghidinelli brian at vfive.com
Wed Jul 25 16:30:04 EDT 2012

On 7/25/2012 8:18 AM, Tony Anderson wrote:
> The MSI has one ethernet port so that connection to the internet (WAN)
> will require a usb-ethernet adapter. Also, it is not possible to make a
> headless install on the MSI so that a monitor (vgb) and a keyboard (usb)
> will be needed to install XS.

Tony, thanks for the suggestions and feedback.  This is what I wound up 
selecting based on Rueben's input:


Spec'd with 2GB ram and 500gb drive with expedited test+build and 
shipping so it would arrive to me before I leave for Uganda it was $597. 
  Not awesome but time was of the essence.

One question - the AG150 has a single Ethernet port as well; why do you 
need an extra adapter?  Does the XS play the role of NAT/router to the 
Internet as well?

I did not spec wireless in the device but there is still time to add one 
(Intel 1030, 6205 or 6230 PCIe cards).  Should I?


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