[Server-devel] http://fedora.laptop.org/ Site Down
HALL,Brian C
brian.hall02 at uwimona.edu.jm
Fri Nov 18 14:54:32 EST 2011
Thanks Jerry,
Much appreciated.
In installing openvpn I didn’t see a client.conf file. I want my XS to connect to a vpn server. In essence the XS will be the vpn client.
I have my vpn keys and in trying to create the client.conf file I received some errors.
The issue is that when I created my client.conf file then restarted the openvpn service, it did not start. Iam able to stop it but not start.
I had previously gotten a site to look at regarding openvpn configuration however the site is now down.
See the below client.conf file I created using a couple web sites.
dev tun
proto upd
user nobody
group nogroup
ca /etc/openvpn/keys/*.crt
cert /etc/openvpn/keys/*.crt
key /etc/openvpn/keys/*.key
remote IP_ADDRESS 1194
resolv-retry infinite
Not sure where I went wrong. Iam assuming that I missed a couple lines..Not sure where.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Vonau [mailto:jvonau at shaw.ca]
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 11:32 AM
To: HALL,Brian C
Cc: Kevin Gordon; Sridhar Dhanapalan; XS Devel; OLPC Devel; OLPC Australia list
Subject: Re: http://fedora.laptop.org/ Site Down
On Fri, 2011-11-18 at 05:46 -0500, HALL,Brian C wrote:
> Good Day,
> I recently installed an XS server(OLPC-School-Server-0.6-i386.iso) and as I was trying to do an update I got the error "repomod not found" I thought it was the proxy but when I tried to access the site at home iam was still unable to access the http://fedora.laptop.org/ site. It seems to be down.
> The issue is that iam trying to install the following
> 1) OpenVPN
> 2)Munin
> 3)IP Traf
> Do you know where I can get these packages without doing the yum install openvpn and so forth? If so is there an easy way to install them; especially openvpn.
None of those rpms are XS specific, you can grab them from any Fedora F9 repo.For a list of mirrors:
Open the file with gedit and pick the closest mirror.
You can disable the olpc repos with --disablerepo=olpc*.
Your yum command would look like:
yum --disablerepo=olpc* install OpenVPN
rpm will install the rpms offline.
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