[Server-devel] Help buying server for XS
Omar Andrés Zapata Mesa
andresete.chaos at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 16:52:16 EDT 2011
Gracias Carlos.
Nos gustaría saber si podemos tener una video conferencia por skype, para
contarte los planes y nutrirnos de su experiencia en paraguay.
La idea seria presentare en una presentación el plan de trabajo y los planes
detallados del proyecto.
Gracias a todos por la colaboración!!
We want have a meeting in a video conference to explain details about olpc
in Itagui Colombia, Reuben we are inviting you to participate of course, to
clarify the project and show you the contribution that Colombia would bring
in the olpc.
2011/3/28 Carlos Daniel Garay Ayala <cgaray at paraguayeduca.org>
> Hola Omar:
> Cualquier cosa que necesites, car|0s en freenode #olpc-paraguay.
> Saludos,
> --
> Carlos Daniel Garay
> Departamento de Tecnología, Paraguay Educa.
> El 28 de marzo de 2011 15:45, Omar Andrés Zapata Mesa <
> andresete.chaos at gmail.com> escribió:
> Hi Rouben.
>> Yes, we want set external controllers for APs using XS.
>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 8:26 AM, Reuben K. Caron <reuben at laptop.org>wrote:
>>> Guillermo,
>>> Thank you for the repsonse. You have good user density and RF allocation.
>>> One thing was not clear: Yes or No, the APs need external controller?
>>> Regards,
>>> Reuben
>>> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 11:28 PM, Guillermo Narvaez <gnrvzsix at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Reuben,
>>>> The limitations of this equipment are 60 client per AP, we are using 50
>>>> or 55 clients per equipment. This is a dedicated equipment so it need an
>>>> external controller.
>>>> With the frequency issue, the APs of the same school are set in 1, 5, 9
>>>> and 11 channels.
>>>> cheers.
>>>> Guillermo Narvaez
>>>> Servidores Escuela
>>>> Implementación OLPC | Programa Joaquin Victor Gonzalez
>>>> La Rioja - Argentina
>>>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Reuben K. Caron <reuben at laptop.org>wrote:
>>>>> Guillermo,
>>>>> It would be also interesting to know what kind of user density you plan
>>>>> for when deploying these APs, e.g. 50 XOs to 1 AP.
>>>>> Are these APs independent or run by a controller?
>>>>> What software are you using to perform your site surveys and RF heat
>>>>> maps?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Reuben
>>>>> On Mar 19, 2011, at 6:53 PM, Guillermo Narvaez wrote:
>>>>> Hola Omar
>>>>> En nuestra implementacion usamos* IBM System X3200 M3* y no hemos
>>>>> tenido problemas de rendimiento; lo que si deberias tener en cuenta es la
>>>>> capacidad de almacenamiento del XS para los backup de las XO. Si van a usar
>>>>> todas las features del XS te recomendaria como minimo 1TB de almacenamiento.
>>>>> Con respecto a los AP seria muy util y practico usar AP que soporten
>>>>> PoE. Nosotros usamos la version anterior de *3Com A-WA2110 Single
>>>>> Radio 802.11a/b/g Access Point (JD446B)*
>>>>> Saludos!
>>>>> Guillermo Narvaez
>>>>> Servidores Escuela
>>>>> Implementación OLPC | Programa Joaquin Victor Gonzalez
>>>>> La Rioja - Argentina
>>>>> 2011/3/18 Omar Andrés Zapata Mesa <andresete.chaos at gmail.com>
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Hi all.
>>>>> > I need buy a server for a school in colombia, and I have 2000
>>>>> students in the school to implement olpc project and install XS
>>>>> > My question is, which server to buy for this number of students and
>>>>> which wireless access points?
>>>>> > Thanks!
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Omar Andres Zapata Mesa
>>>>> > Head Developer Phenomenology of Fundamental Interactions Group (Gfif)
>>>>> > http://gfif.udea.edu.co
>>>>> > Division of computer science Gfif Developers (Gfif Dev)
>>>>> > http://gfifdev.udea.edu.co
>>>>> > Systems Engineering Student
>>>>> > Universidad de Antioquia At Medellin - Colombia
>>>>> > Usuario Linux #490962
>>>>> >
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Omar Andres Zapata Mesa
Head Developer Phenomenology of Fundamental Interactions Group (Gfif)
Division of computer science Gfif Developers (Gfif Dev)
Systems Engineering Student
Universidad de Antioquia At Medellin - Colombia
Usuario Linux #490962
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