[Server-devel] wwwoffle?

Andra DuPont andradupont at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 18:34:25 EST 2011

Great news on your shell scripting skills..... as I haven't done any. Yes, the mutual exclusivity of wwwoffle and squid would be one part. Below are some earlier comments from Martin that help define the opportunity/plan better.

From Martin's first thoughts on automating wwwoffle....
>> - Can we remove the need to set proxy on every XO by either...
>>   - using a transparent proxy, same as we do with SQUID (maybe make a
>> TURN_ON_WWWOFFLE script)?
>>   - serving a proxy autoconfig file via dhcp/apache?
>> - Is it viable to automate the "go online / go offline" with a
>> cronjob that pings a public host ( ping -c1 google) every 5 minutes?
>> Or...
>> - If there's a daemon managing the connetion (case of pppd), use the
>> "down" and "up" hooks? This would only work if the daemon catches the
>> "link is lost" situation reliably.

A follow up note from Martin with some additional detail/thoughts....

>> how are things going with that wwwoffle script? I am catching up a bit
>> on my XS stuff and was wondering if life would be easier for you (and
>> me) following the strategy we've outlined for services in 0.7.
>> - a separate init script: /etc/init.d/xs-wwwoffle -- based on what's
>> in the rpm or what upstream ships
>> - a separate config dir /etc/xs-wwwoffle
>> - a TURN_WWWOFFLE_ON script (copy the squid approach, we'll come up
>> with something better for 0.7)
>> - if we need to 'sed' anything into the config files, it can be done
>> in the init script, so a change of FQDN gets taken up in the next
>> service (or server) restart
>> If you give me the scripts and config files (tested ;-) ), I will add
>> them to xs-config so users of 0.6 can benefit from your work.
>> I will polish up the wwwoffle rpm with the latest upstream version so
>> we ship that one.

On Jan 25, 2011, at 5:37 PM, Dan Zubey wrote:

> Hi Andy
> Well shell scripting is one of my strong points. I can put something together quickly here.
> I assume the script should make squid and wwwoffle mutually exclusive...so that when wwwoffle is enabled, squid gets disabled, and vice versa?
> On 01/22/2011 04:44 PM, Andra DuPont wrote:
>> On Jan 22, 2011, at 4:51 PM, Martin Langhoff wrote:
>>> On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Anna <aschoolf at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Wasn't me!  I tried to get it to work the other day on my test server
>>> Ah true, it was Andra! I'm all mixed up...
>> Yes... it was me. I input the  "WWWOFFLE for unreliable or intermittent internet connections" section of the "XS Techniques and Configuration". I am running wwwoffle on an XS in Kenya, and it is helping out a lot. In fact, we have loaded up a ton of educational site pages to the XS while on high speed connection, and all this material is available to the students even when the XS is offline, which is most of the time. We have created courses in Moodle where the topics are groupings of educational categories, and each educational site is add to the topic as a "link to a website" resource.
>> As you can tell from the method I used, it is a manual process, and Martin has asked me to work on making it a little more integral to the build, so that a script can take care of switching between Squid and wwwoffle for instance.
>> I have not had the time to develop this yet, and will be going back to Kenya soon. I hope to carve out some time soon, but if you want to jump in, that would be great.
>> Andy (Andra is my legal/formal name).
>>> m
>>> -- 
>>>  martin.langhoff at gmail.com
>>>  martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
>>>  - ask interesting questions
>>>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>>>  - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff

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