[Server-devel] Collaboration server for existing network

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 22:35:42 EDT 2010

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 9:15 PM, Sridhar Dhanapalan
<sridhar at laptop.org.au> wrote:
> I totally empathise. I'm trying to work out a solution, but like you
> I've got other tasks as well. It's tricky for me as I'm new to this
> OLPC stuff, having only started with OLPC Australia a couple of weeks
> ago (and there's a lot for me to learn outside of the XS sphere as
> well!). Good times :)

Welcome to the Jungle! ;-)

> I'm not clear why Moodle is needed for for the collaboration. Is that
> to segregate the children so that the Neighbourhood View doesn't
> become too cluttered?

Exactly. It offers other goodies, but from a "let's enable
collaboration in a school" PoV, that's the aspect where you'll need

> So far we aren't using Moodle at our deployments
> (it would be nice, but we haven't got to it yet).

It's a great tool.

> As an alternative, we were thinking of having multiple ejabberd
> servers going. The children can then connect to the server appropriate

That will be positively 200 times harder! Flesh out my how to, it will
be a reasonable effort. Try to setup one ejabberd per classroom and
you'll be in the madhouse for life.

> We can get more servers if we need them.

How can "buy-and-configure one server per classroom" be harder than
running moodle?

I wrote a how to for you, and I honestly put a serious effort in
finding the most reasonable, least complicated,
least-likely-to-explode path. I cannot formally support it, but it's a
_good_ plan of action, just needs you to try it out and there may be
some detail to iron out.

Instead of looking into it, you are proposing some very crazy plans.

Please -- please, assume those plans come from the architect of the
thing, he might know a thing or two, and that they are the easiest,
shortest path to your destination. Even the one labelled "hard" is
_not_ hard compared to some of the stuff being discussed here.

If in doubt, trust me a bit :-)

> Indeed, I'm working on it now. I'm finding it somewhat tricky
> understanding everything that's going on underneath, so that's why I'm
> asking the list for advice.

Which you got. Top quality advice. Don't ignore it :-)

 martin.langhoff at gmail.com
 martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
 - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff

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