[Server-devel] XO Registration Failed with XS
Hamilton Chua
hamilton.chua at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 08:16:26 EDT 2010
Hi Ganesh,
I wrote this down a while back when I was figuring out how to get SoaS to
register and backup with an XS, hope this helps you.
The registration process begins when an XO laptop user clicks on the avatar
and then clicks Register from the drop down menu. This action executes *
/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/jarabe/desktop/schoolserver.py*. This
python script gathers the following required information from the XO laptop
in order to register with the schoolserver :
- serial number
- nickname
- uuid
- SSH pubkey
This data is sent via xmlrpc over port 8080 to the Identity Manager service
on the school server. The identity manager is a python script located in *
/usr/bin/registration-server* on the school server. This service receives
the information and validates the serial number. The information is then
inserted into an sqlite3 database. It will then send back the following
information to the XO laptop.
- success
- backupurl
- backuppath
- jabberserver
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:32 PM, ganesh gajre <gnowledge.ganesh at gmail.com>wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Martin Langhoff <
> martin.langhoff at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ganesh,
>> welcome to the list, and thanks for working on a deployment!
>> You are giving us very good info on the setup, and the steps you are
>> following.
>> First -- using a wireless router, instead of an XS with 2 network
>> cards as the router is probably part of the problem. When you
>> associate an XO to the Wifi signal, can you "ping schoolserver" ?
> Yes, I can ping properly to XS.
>> Second -- there is a known bug in Sugar where if you try to register
>> _before associating to the AP_ it fails, and then it will not see the
>> XS even if you associate to the AP properly. If you reboot (or restart
>> Sugar with ctr-alt-backspace) the problem disappears.
> Yes, there are some machines which tried to register without connecting to
> AP/ Router, as you stated after restarting it disappears, but it does not,
> I am still unable to register XO to server.
>> Third -- do NOT associate lanbond0 to eth0. It wll make a big mess of
>> the network setup. Instead, use the xs-swapnics script so that the
>> network card you have becomes eth1 .
>> >> 4. In each XO i had change the server address located at XO--> Control
>> You should not do that -- you are going to go crazy.
>> The XS is really designed and preconfigured to be the router of your
>> network, it provides DHCP and DNS and registers specific IP addresses
>> and DNS names that the XO tries to use.
> I agreed the XS provides DNS and DHCP, running dhcp service over a XS, I
> find bit difficult as I am still learning about XS services, I used the
> simple hack to solve it. I will try without giving server address in control
> panel--> network.
> And get back to list.
>> My recommendation: get the cheapest network card you can buy and put
>> it in the XS. Seriously.
>> If you absolutely cannot have the XS running the network, see the
>> techniques and scripts that Jerry Vonau has posted to this list (you
>> can use google to search over
>> "site:lists.laptop.org/pipermail/server-devel <your search terms" ).
>> cheers,
> Will anyone can tell me how I can check the files which run to register XO
> with XS on XO, so that I will get the idea of scripts that runs register
> service.
> Thanks
>> m
>> --
>> martin.langhoff at gmail.com
>> martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
>> - ask interesting questions
>> - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
>> - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
> --
> Ganesh (Dragger)
> Be a FOSSERS, use GNU/Linux
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