[Server-devel] XO Registration Failed with XS
ganesh gajre
gnowledge.ganesh at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 02:32:22 EDT 2010
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Martin Langhoff <martin.langhoff at gmail.com
> wrote:
> Hi Ganesh,
> welcome to the list, and thanks for working on a deployment!
> You are giving us very good info on the setup, and the steps you are
> following.
> First -- using a wireless router, instead of an XS with 2 network
> cards as the router is probably part of the problem. When you
> associate an XO to the Wifi signal, can you "ping schoolserver" ?
Yes, I can ping properly to XS.
> Second -- there is a known bug in Sugar where if you try to register
> _before associating to the AP_ it fails, and then it will not see the
> XS even if you associate to the AP properly. If you reboot (or restart
> Sugar with ctr-alt-backspace) the problem disappears.
Yes, there are some machines which tried to register without connecting to
AP/ Router, as you stated after restarting it disappears, but it does not,
I am still unable to register XO to server.
> Third -- do NOT associate lanbond0 to eth0. It wll make a big mess of
> the network setup. Instead, use the xs-swapnics script so that the
> network card you have becomes eth1 .
> >> 4. In each XO i had change the server address located at XO--> Control
> You should not do that -- you are going to go crazy.
> The XS is really designed and preconfigured to be the router of your
> network, it provides DHCP and DNS and registers specific IP addresses
> and DNS names that the XO tries to use.
I agreed the XS provides DNS and DHCP, running dhcp service over a XS, I
find bit difficult as I am still learning about XS services, I used the
simple hack to solve it. I will try without giving server address in control
panel--> network.
And get back to list.
> My recommendation: get the cheapest network card you can buy and put
> it in the XS. Seriously.
> If you absolutely cannot have the XS running the network, see the
> techniques and scripts that Jerry Vonau has posted to this list (you
> can use google to search over
> "site:lists.laptop.org/pipermail/server-devel <your search terms" ).
> cheers,
Will anyone can tell me how I can check the files which run to register XO
with XS on XO, so that I will get the idea of scripts that runs register
> m
> --
> martin.langhoff at gmail.com
> martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
> - ask interesting questions
> - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
> - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
Ganesh (Dragger)
Be a FOSSERS, use GNU/Linux
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