[Server-devel] Web Caching for Areas with Intermittent Internet - WWWOFFLE installation Guide on 0.6 XS Server

Andra DuPont andradupont at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 23:46:52 EDT 2010

Squid apparently is not well suited to serve up cached pages when no internet access is
available. It was recommended that I use WWWOFFLE for this situation. Here is the
process I used to get it installed and running on my 0.6 XS server:

- Make sure that squid is turned off
	> /etc/sysconfig/olpc-scripts/TURN_SQUID_OFF
	> service iptables restart

- Create a directory for downloads (optional) and download  and install the wwwoffle file
	> mkdir /downloads
	> cd /downloads
	> wget http://dl.atrpms.net/all/wwwoffle-2.8b-2.0.1.el5.i386.rpm
	> yum --nogpgcheck localinstall /downloads/wwwoffle-2.8b-2.0.1.el5.i386.rpm

- When the installation finishes you need edit the wwwoffle.conf file to configure it for the XS
	>ed /etc/wwwoffle.conf

- Change the line " http-port =     8080" to " http-port =     3128" using the
  search "/" and change "c" commands as follows:
	/http-port   /     (search till you get to the line " http-port =     8080")
	 http-port =    3128
	^c       (<control-c> stops the changing)

- In a similar manner search for and change the following in the LocalHost section:
	" localhost" to "YourDomain.org"        (In my case this is "asilong.org")

- Add a line in the "LocalNet" section to get:
	 *.YourDomain.org                   (In my case this is "*.asilong.org")

- Add a line in the "AllowConnectedHosts" section to get:
	 172.18.96.*       (Add any other AP IP groups as needed)

- Write the changes "w" to save them and quit the editor "q"

- Start the wwwoffle daemon
	> wwwoffled -c /etc/wwwoffle.conf
	> wwwoffle -online     (For when your internet connection is online)
	> wwwoffle -offline     (For when your internet connection is offline)

- Turn your XO proxy settings on using Browse and going to the URL about:config
- filter the word "proxy" and double-click to adjust the settings to:
	network.proxy.http		(
	network.proxy.http_port	(3128)
	network.proxy.type		(1)

Teachers can now download pages of interest and then students can access them
quickly, even if the server has no internet connection simply by putting wwwoffle -offline.

Give this a try if your internet service is intermittent, or you are paying by the GB for
your data download.


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