[Server-devel] RACHEL, another developing world server project, would like to have a discussion with XS
Martin Langhoff
martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 03:13:01 EDT 2009
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Dennis Nguyen
<denniskdnguyen at alumni.duke.edu> wrote:
> Hi Martin, thanks for the warm welcome!
My pleasure!
> We would definitely welcome re-use of the content, but since I'm relatively
> new to this particular project I don't have an expert sense of the
> particular permissions we have with the content providers as is. I will look
> into it.
Good point -- that is important! Content licensing should be under a
well known liberal license (GPL, GFDL, some of the Creative
Commons...), otherwise even RACHEL will have problems with it.
> Indexing: none! All of the content is currently listed on the index page
> with bare HTML. In our defense, this is a relatively new and shorthanded
Well, a bare HTML index *is* a perfectly valid index :-) and it beats
the performance and portability of any other solutions. How do you
maintain it? Is there any metadata around (dublin core or otherwise)?
> The wikislice we're using for the moment is the 2008/9 Wikipedia Selection
> for schools, which is handpicked front-to-back to fit the UK national
> curriculum. The website with details for that is at
> http://schools-wikipedia.org/
Wasn't aware it existed. Interesting. Still, of limited use to us,
being English only.
> what we can get away with as we go. We have English and Spanish content so
> far.
That's a good start.
> This project has a voracious appetite for content, and as such we'd rather
> stuff the project with content first regardless of compatibility with open
> projects like Gnash.
That is a reasonable approach I guess for your project. At the same
time, it limits its usability to OLPC and to low-cost netbooks.
> You can probably tell from this that this project is in a very early stage
> as far as maturity of the platform is concerned. I'm working to engage you
> folks at an early stage in case you have something grand to teach us :-)
I wish :-) -- all I can point to is the work and evolution of Linux
"distributions" (such as Debian, RH, SuSE, Ubuntu). They take software
developed by other projects, add a tiny bit of metadata, wrap it in an
installable package.
We are needing the same for content ATM, and the time is ripe for it.
martin.langhoff at gmail.com
martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
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