[Server-devel] Attempting to re-install jabber component of XS without re-installing the entire server
Daniel Bennett
dantana at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 04:20:20 EDT 2009
> I had to re-read your logs a bit. In brief: I made the mistake of
> reading the moodle-instupg.log bottom-up, and thought the install had
> become corrupted. But re-visiting it, I realise that the error that is
> key here is the failure to connect to the Postgres server.
> psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
> Is the server running locally and accepting
> connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
> So we need to make sure that the pgsql-xs service is running, and that
> it accepts connections from Moodle (that is, from apache).
> Some commands to try (and the correct output in my test XS)
> # check that the postgresql service is *not* set to run as it will
> conflict w pgsql-xs
> $ chkconfig --list postgresql
> postgresql 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off
> Verified
> # should say that the server is running
> $ service pgsql-xs status
> Verified: postmaster (pid 2904 2903 2902 2901 2899 2804) is running...
> # should give you a list of databases - see how moodle-xs is owned by
> apache
> $ su postgres -c '/usr/bin/psql -l '
> List of databases
> Name | Owner | Encoding
> ------------+----------+-----------
> moodle-xs | apache | UTF8
> postgres | postgres | SQL_ASCII
> template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
> template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
> Verified: just these (4 rows)
> # check that you can connect as the apache user and list existing tables
> $sudo -u apache psql moodle-xs -c '\d'
> List of relations
> Schema | Name | Type | Owner
> --------+-----------------------------------------+----------+--------
> public | adodb_logsql | table | apache
> public | adodb_logsql_id_seq | sequence | apache
> public | mdl_assignment | table | apache
> public | mdl_assignment_id_seq | sequence | apache
> public | mdl_assignment_submissions | table | apache
> public | mdl_assignment_submissions_id_seq | sequence | apache
> public | mdl_backup_config | table | apache
> ...
> Verified: It continues for 406 rows
> Can you try these commands? I think we're pretty close to resolving the
> problem.
> Given that I'm getting all the same outputs you have included in your
email, do you think that my hunch from last night (below) might be correct?
If so, where do I go next?
I'll try your suggestions then. One thing worth noting though, those early
failures are probably from before you sent me the idea to make sure that
psgsql was running. Remember the back and forth we had where I ended up
running the command to start it on boot and rebooted? My guess is that the
early failures are from before I did that. so what you saw at the bottom of
the file may be the actual breakage as you originally expected
(not simply a conflict with postgresql, which doesn't seem to be occurring
given that my output from your suggestions above matches your samples.)
> m
> --
> martin.langhoff at gmail.com
> martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
> - ask interesting questions
> - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
> - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
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