[Server-devel] Moodle/Server configuration for static IP external access
tkkang at nurturingasia.com
tkkang at nurturingasia.com
Thu Jun 18 09:03:57 EDT 2009
Now with the a fixed internal IP I am able to map the actual external IP with it for external access. Change the apache httpd-xs.conf to listen to as well as Loaded the pafm application and external upload and download working well.
I maybe missing something - but have issue of the moodle not displaying the graphics and format, etc while login prompt is shown. What aspect of /var/www/moodle/web/config.php or files should I modify for both normal external or internal moodle access? I want to open up for external access so that the team can play with the moodle to get familar with it.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Martin Langhoff [mailto:martin.langhoff at gmail.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:36 PM
>To: tkkang at nurturingasia.com
>Cc: 'Sameer Verma', 'Rodolfo D. Arce S.', 'XS Devel'
>Subject: Re: [Server-devel] Server configuration for static IP instead of DHCP
>On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 5:25 PM, <tkkang at nurturingasia.com> wrote:
>> Maybe the WIKI need an update that include ... take a break and come back for the cache stuff
>Probably a strategic reboot is better, faster and clearer. You do need
>it once you've set the domain.
>If you
>1 - install
>2 - set the domain (which sets resolv.conf
>3 - set the forwarders
>4 - set ifcfg-eth0-local
>5 - reboot
>everything 'just works'. Once I make 0.6 an official release -- soon!
>I promise! -- we can update the install guide with this info.
>> Working normally..and I am amazed by the level of automation via the XS. Just registered 2 XOs via wireless.
>> Now I need to see how the Moodle could be a mix of external users and XOs registered users. I use to have success login in with admin and the password supplied to add newlanguage options. Any changes? I have not been login with the combination recently?
>Use the first registered XO -- which has 'course creator' rights in
>Moodle. It can create new "normal" accounts, which login with
>If you want those accounts to be 'course creators' too, after creating
>the accounts you can grant them the right from Users->Roles->Sitewide
>roles (a standard Moodle procedure)
> martin.langhoff at gmail.com
> martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
> - ask interesting questions
> - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
> - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
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