[Server-devel] Ejabberd crash (first test with SOAS Blueberry)

rayb at apc.edu.ph rayb at apc.edu.ph
Fri Dec 18 00:48:47 EST 2009


I installed XS 0.6 a few days ago (following instructions forwarded to me by Cherry Withers) but only recently got an AP (Linksys WRT160NL) and only last night got wireless working with SOAS Blueberry on an MSI Wind U100 netbook.

This morning I attempted to connect to the XS from the netbook.  But while booting the XS I saw the following message on the screen:
   Starting ejabberd: hostname: Unknown host
   Domain changed -- restart to enable ejabberd

Running "ejabberdctl status"
results in the message
"RPC failed on the node ejabberd at schoolserver: nodedown"

while "ejabberdctl start"
causes a crash, creating a file /var/log/ejaberrd/erl_crash_<timestamp>.dump

(the latest of which is attached to this message).

I have been following the thread http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/server-devel/2009-December/004402.html
but that appears to be adifferent case.

Any help with this would be appreciated.


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Url : http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/server-devel/attachments/20091218/39faf9c9/attachment-0001.obj 

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