[Server-devel] XS - XO archiving and backup (was Re: [OLPC India] Issues on the ground )

Bill Bogstad bogstad at pobox.com
Mon Nov 10 09:08:14 EST 2008

2008/11/10 Reuben K. Caron <reuben at laptop.org>:
> XS 0.4 does include a backup and restore functionality. The restore is
> through a web interface that can be accessed at
> http://schoolserver/ds-restore. The one caveat to this functionality is that
> it requires the XO to be running 8.2 (in order for the backup to run).

I've personally used the version in XS 0.4 to verify that individual
journal entries can be restored.  However, you probably don't want to
use this version in an actual deployment without changes.  There is
absolutely no security on access to backups.  The web server lets
anyone who can get an http connection to the schoolserver to download
files from any users backup.  My understanding is that there are plans
move access into Moodle and take advantage of access control there.  I
haven't yet installed a 0.5 pre-release so I don't know
what the status will be for that release.

Bill Bogstad

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