[Server-devel] EduBlog Revised Project Plan

Tarun Pondicherry tarunpondicherry at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 09:15:09 EDT 2008

Hi Martin, Greg,

This is my current proposed plan of action. If both of you approve, I 
will push ahead with coding as well as dividing into concrete subtasks 
that other developers can help with.

We will modify Moodle blog or ou blog for EduBlog. (Only one area of 
work depends on the blog module we choose). The major changes are as 

Moodle Modifications:
Add Post to remote blog feature (API + Blogger plug in) – use the 
Blogger.com API with Zend Gdata and ngeblog (needs work to deal with 
images) – 1-1.5 weeks
Simplify UI for HtmlArea – plan to mimic the Write interface – 2-3 days
Feature to post for teacher review and group editing – needs more 
discussion (will try to get more info on SoC project, may need to 
reimplement with ou blog) – depends on code reuse (1 week at best, upto 
3 weeks if none existing)
Feature to preview before posting – 2-3 days
Create/Simplify Teacher UI – needs more discussion
Create/Simplify Admin UI – needs more discussion
Authentication mechanism – not in my hands, hard code stuff for alpha

I plan to work in that order. The only Moodle pages the end user sees 
for this are the post to blog page, the admin page (which is blank for 
ou blog) and a teacher page. Those are the only three Moodle pages that 
need to be created/modified. I will count on authentication and theming 
being taken care of by the time we need it. However, if it is not done, 
we can implement a quick working theme in a few days for just those 
pages. If authentication isn't decided, we can hard code a few things 
for the beta, or use a name only authentication as a temporary fix if 
the system is used right away.

Greg, I took another look at the requirements, and would much prefer 
that video is not a must. Everything else I think is okay for August 
beta. This also requires that the XO be online to use the system. 
(Unless there are mechanisms in Browse to cache and send post queries 
later that I am not aware of).

Please comment, and let me know if you approve.


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