[Server-devel] Edublog notes

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at tomeuvizoso.net
Thu Jun 5 04:05:45 EDT 2008

[ccing sugar]

Hi, just some comments:

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 5:55 AM, Tarun Pondicherry
<tarunpondicherry at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) Provide a client side Browse based WYSIWYG editor that does what the
> editor in Moodle Blog does for students to easily create and edit
> posts.  This version will be sugarized and I think should be modeled
> after the interface in the Write Activity.  I've done a quick mostly
> nonfunctional page to show what I have in mind here:
> http://olpc.betarun.com/ui/student_editor.php.  This same page will have
> a list where students can select where they want to post the blog.
> (This may be preset by the teacher so students don't need to select).
> When the students click the post option, the blog post will be pushed
> into the selected system (Moodle on XS, Blogger.com, Wordpress on a
> server).  This needs to support image upload, and it would be nice to
> support video too. (though video is unlikely to be in this version).
> Greg wants this rolled out quickly, which is why we think browse based
> is better than Write for the task.  (XO images will not need to be
> updates)  Future XO builds can integrate this portion into Write as
> well, but from previous discussion (from back during my SoC app) it
> looks like this is outside the scope of the project for Uruguay.

Yes, I see three possibilities (two you have already mentioned):

- Use libabiword as the editor. Disadvantages: possible loss of
fidelity when exporting to html, additions to the API will require a
new libabiword rpm to be installed, or ship a private one inside the
bundle. Very big advantage: simultaneous edit by several kids.

- Use a JS editor inside Browse. There must exist dozens of FOSS
solutions, are you sure none of them works for what we are trying to

- Embed Mozilla's editor inside an activity similarly to how we are
embedding the browse in Browse.

Not sure which one is the best for you, perhaps going with #2 may be
easier? Would be good to leave space for growing later as needed,
though. #1 and #3 would give you support for tables.

Good luck,


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