[Server-devel] EduBlog: Requesting input on design of Preview and Remote Blog Admin Pages
Greg Smith
gregsmitholpc at gmail.com
Mon Jul 7 17:49:44 EDT 2008
Hi Tarun,
I'm OK with client side in this pass.
The only concerns are that the teacher and potentially other students
should have the chance to edit the post. As long as the teacher can pick
it up and review it too, doing the preview off a local file on XO is OK.
We need to nail down the work flow of student to teacher back to student
too. I'd like to add in an option of student to teacher to other student
if we can figure that out. Probably another featuere creep idea.
On the admin page, I was thinking that the main thing is to allow people
to add blogs. That is, they go to a blog site (e.g. blogger.com or
moodle etc.), create a blog and then add for use in Edublog. Then the
teacher can choose from a list of pre-configured blogs to use with
their class.
That's the only thing that comes to mind on the admin page. We may be
able to get rid of that page entirely by just allowng teachers to setup
up blogs and enter them on their own page...
Let me know if that doesn't answer your question.
I'm going to send this out for another round of review:
How is the Moodle/ou Blog integration going?
I spoke to SJ last week and he wants to get some real blog posts from
real teachers online for demonstration ASAP. I think the gating factor
is the teacher page and the ability to add a blog. Let me know when you
think we can finish that.
I told SJ that you are working on integration with Moodle which will
bring us a whole collection of user auth and teacher <-> student
associations capabilities. Is that right?
Let me know what else is on the critical path as we start the last few
weeks of the project. I'll gather as much comment as I can on the
existing student page. Just give me a sense of when we will have the
next set of functionality available for review. Hopefully Tony's server
will come online this week and we can move the project and beta test to
that with the moodle piece integrated...
Greg S
Tarun Pondicherry wrote:
> Hi Greg, Martin, Marcel,
> With the preview feature, is it better to do it all on the client side
> (clicking preview brings up a Browse compatible popup with the post) or
> push the blog out to the ou blog db but set the permissions so that only
> the creator can see it? (May only be possible for internal and some
> external sites). The first is easier to implement and we can also use a
> custom stylesheet to mimic the actual look on the blog site. I think
> the first method (client side) is the way to go for this version. What
> do you guys think?
> We also need to decide on the exact options to give users for the admin
> page. Basically, the image storage is separated from the blog storage
> on most systems. (Blogger uses Picassa, OU Blog uses Moodle file
> storage). We can give users the options to set the image storage
> independently from the Blog storage. We can also tie each blog to a
> default file storage system. Which do you think is better? I
> personally think the flexibility is better, but worry if it makes it too
> complicated for users.
> So far, the tinyMCE theme is completed except for IE support
> (http://olpc.betarun.com/dev/ui/student_sp.php) and I'll upload the OU
> blog work once the server is online. I still can't find a working patch
> for getting tinyMCE into Moodle 1.9, so I stuffed it in there myself and
> it seems to work. I hope thats okay for now since Moodle 2.0 will have
> the integration on tinyMCE taken care of.
> Thanks,
> Tarun
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