[Server-devel] noob needs Poodle, Moodle, Drupal mentoring

Sameer Verma sverma at sfsu.edu
Sat Apr 19 16:31:30 EDT 2008

Yama Ploskonka wrote:
> To prepare to run a LAN during a translation / content fest hopefully 
> soon to be announced I need to learn how to set up a server running at 
> least Poodle and either or both Moodle and Drupal.
> I have been hanging out in this list and even posting, hiding the fact 
> that I have no idea on how to accomplish such a basic server task, so 
> now you know, and, guess what, this gives you a chance to help me 
> straighten up my act.
> Please, do not point me to a web page, unless it's made by someone who 
> has the limitations of us lowly noobs at heart, as to usability.  I 
> tried to set up Moodle a while back, failed.
> If you happen to be in the Austin area I can feed you a mean homemade 
> pizza, in recognition.  I mean _deep_ crust.
> Yama
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A good way to run a testbed on a LAMP stack is to grab Grandma's LAMP 
VMWare image and run it on either VMWare Player or server (all free as 
in beer). Grandma's LAMP is based on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS . It comes with 
XFCE + PHPMyAdmin preconfigured.


Install Moodle or Pootle or Drupal on it and you will be good to go. 
Most tar files need to be unzipped into the www subdirectory on the 
desktop and that's it!

I'll claim that pizza when I am in Austin the next time :-)


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

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