[Server-devel] olpc rpm repository and fedora mirror

John Watlington wad at laptop.org
Tue May 8 09:23:29 EDT 2007

On May 8, 2007, at 9:09 AM, Holger Levsen wrote:

> Hi,
> as far as I can tell, OLPC uses it's own rpm repository for  
> customized rpms
> for the xo build.
> How can I add packages there, for the server? Or should we create a  
> seperate
> repository for the server rpms?

Please create a separate repository for the server rpms.   The  
laptops will
be updating themselves from the server, meaning that OLPC's repository
is mainly for development.   The server update strategy is different  
--- both in that
it will support incremental updates and those updates will be pulled  
from a
centralized repository.   Down the road, there will be a number of  

> Currently I created "my own" repository on xs-dev.laptop.org, but I  
> think it
> really belongs on dev.laptop.org - you agree?

DNS names are cheap, keep using xs-dev.  We will, however, have to move
xs-dev to a machine in the colo.

> Same goes for a fedora mirror, is there one on dev.laptop.org or  
> elsewhere at
> laptop.org/MIT?


Comments ?

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