[Server-devel] testing out new packages on top of school server images

Toby Knudsen tobyknudsen at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 14:55:05 EDT 2007

> > - Packages.  Should Zope/Plone and dependencies be in the core OLPC
> > server distribution?
> IFF there is seriously interesting content implemented using zope/plone,
> it should be.

That's fair.  Brent is affiliated with Center for Open and Sustainable
Learning and they may be able to lead with Plone and educational
content.   http://cosl.usu.edu/
I'll let him sell/show us the rest of it.

> I will note that content that can be cached locally on
> the laptop is always more interesting than server only content, just
> because kids spend most of their time away from school, and are not
> guaranteed connection

Agreed.  Kapil and myself (I had mentioned this to SJ previously) that
a wrapper on subversion to a webdav enabled server may be a good way
to receive and send homework.  OLPC uses 'git' for version control and
I'm not talking about using subversion in a software development

> We need to come at this from the child facing services and content,
> which determine what technology is needed, rather than technology
> driving educational agenda.

That's a great principle, policy, or ideal.  However, just as
adminstrative and engineering types often don't speak the same
language, I suggest a notation of sorts for the two processes each
with feedback and design review.  Also, I suggest racing to a
completed prototype together pretty soon to see how children respond
to it or even having some local children use it before they go back to
school in September.

This spiel of mine really comes from W. Edwards Deming whom the
Japanese celebrated and Americans have adopted Minimally as 'Six
Sigma' management school.  He's worth a read.


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