[Server-devel] DB64660 kernel.

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Sat Jul 7 01:45:33 EDT 2007

Not a very useful kernel yet, but a kernel nonetheless.

You'll need to install the 'dtc' tool first:

Then fetch and build the kernel:
 git-clone --reference linux-2.6 git://git.infradead.org/~dwmw2/db64660-2.6.git
 cd db64660-2.6
 make db64660_defconfig
 make zImage.dts
 objcopy -Obinary  arch/powerpc/boot/zImage.dts.db64660 zImage.bin

Then you can use uboot to load that zImage.bin to any address you like
(for example 0x400000) and jump to it.

The zImage is a wrapper which presents a fake device-tree to the kernel.
When you're ready to boot from OpenFirmware, you should be using the
vmlinux which is in the top-level directory instead. Or just start
yaboot and use _it_ to boot the kernel.

I wouldn't look too closely at my fake device-tree. It's copied from a
similar board and hacked about a bit to make at least serial ports and
NOR flash work, but is probably mostly wrong. In particular, I'm
confused that I had to make the 'reg' property of the serial ports
'f1012000' instead of just '12000'. That's not what the prpmc2800 board
did, which I copied from. It's in arch/powerpc/boot/dts/db64660.dts if
you want to see it.

I'll work on getting PCI and other things working; you should at least
be able to test the hand-off from OF to (yaboot to) kernel with this
though. We could probably even put a root file system in the NOR flash
and run from that.


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