[OLPC-Peru] Raise the level of the Hardware specifications... or let's do some field tests!

Bennett Todd bet en rahul.net
Mar Mar 11 17:49:11 EDT 2008

2008-03-11T15:18:57 Jameson Chema Quinn:
> Now that there are a significant number of laptops in Peru, high-altitude
> testing may be more feasible. What test plan would you want followed in
> order to be able to raise the specs?

Surely this has to start with the folks who specified the current
limit? Which components or subsystems aren't certified higher, what
failure mode, what rate?

If the failure is "after 8 months, 1% of systems in this specific
500-meter altitude window will start exploding at random", a test
protocol isn't something we'll be able to invent.

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