[Openec] build errors

Joel Stanley joel at laptop.org
Wed Aug 1 16:43:52 EDT 2007

Hi Frieder,

I'm getting errors in trying to build the openec git repo.

I think it resolves around the srec_cat command; my version doesn't
recognise the option "-disable_sequence_warnings".

What operating system are you using for your build environment?



$ sdcc --version
SDCC : mcs51/gbz80/z80/avr/ds390/pic16/pic14/TININative/xa51/ds400/hc08
2.6.0 #4309 (Nov 10 2006) (UNIX)

$ srec_cat --version
srec_cat version 1.24.D001

openec$ make
Compiling main.c
touch build.c
sdcc --main-return -o main.rel -c main.c
Compiling battery.c
touch build.c
sdcc --main-return -o battery.rel -c battery.c
Compiling ds2756.c
touch build.c
sdcc --main-return -o ds2756.rel -c ds2756.c
Compiling matrix_3x3.c
touch build.c
sdcc --main-return -o matrix_3x3.rel -c matrix_3x3.c
Compiling port_0x6c.c
touch build.c
sdcc --main-return -o port_0x6c.rel -c port_0x6c.c
port_0x6c.c:344: warning 110: conditional flow changed by optimizer:
so said EVELYN the modified DOG
port_0x6c.c:344: warning 110: conditional flow changed by optimizer:
so said EVELYN the modified DOG
Compiling states.c
touch build.c
sdcc --main-return -o states.rel -c states.c
Compiling timer.c
touch build.c
sdcc --main-return -o timer.rel -c timer.c
timer.c:59: warning 158: overflow in implicit constant conversion
Compiling unused_irq.c
touch build.c
sdcc --main-return -o unused_irq.rel -c unused_irq.c
Compiling watchdog.c
touch build.c
sdcc --main-return -o watchdog.rel -c watchdog.c
Compiling build.c
touch build.c
sdcc --main-return -o build.rel -c build.c
build.c:39: error 99: variable 'code_checksum' declared in code space
must have initialiser
build.c:39: error 99: variable 'code_checksum' declared in code space
must have initialiser
build.c:40: error 99: variable 'code_checksum_reserved' declared in
code space must have initialiser
build.c:40: error 99: variable 'code_checksum_reserved' declared in
code space must have initialiser
make: *** [build.rel] Error 1

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