[OLPC_Boston] Curriculum team requests/resources

Mel Chua mel at melchua.com
Mon Mar 9 00:32:26 EDT 2009

Copying the olpc_boston list for transparency and so that other 
interested people can join in.

Sandra, as the point person for the only local Curriculum Team so far, 
there are some requests beginning to come in after a long school year of 
preparation - can you help / how can interested people find out more 
about the services your team offers and how to get your help?

We're still waiting for the CFS pilot to go live later this month, but 
there's an immediate need for workshop materials for the Sugar on a 
Stick (SoaS) pilots that Caroline (also copied on this email) is 
running. Can you see if your team might be able to take on some small 
projects for multiple deployments and let Caroline know if you can? I 
can sit down with you at Olin on Wednesday or Friday if you want to 
bounce plans off / work through this together.

Also, I hear from Caroline that Terri, a current Harvard Grad School of 
Education student working on teacher training curricula for Sugar Labs, 
is great at writing lesson plans and teaching others how to write them - 
Caroline suggested that you two connect. Caroline, I realized I don't 
have Terri's email - would you mind forwarding this to her (and copying 
Sandra so she's in the loop)?



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