[OLPC_Boston] Fwd: Re: [IAEP] Introducing kids to Sugar

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Sat Jun 6 03:55:05 EDT 2009

Mel Chua tells me that some people on this list just went through this
experience with 6th graders.

Would someone want to give their tips and maybe propose a curriculum?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [IAEP] Introducing kids to Sugar
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2009 17:05:06 +0200
From: Marten Vijn <info at martenvijn.nl>
To: Bernie Innocenti <bernie at codewiz.org>
CC: IAEP <iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org>,        Simon Schampijer
<erikos at fedoraproject.org>,        Francesco Turco <turco at negens.com>,
Torello Querci <querci at negens.com>

On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 16:28 +0200, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> There's a possibility for a class of five graders in Florence to pilot
> SoaS next year.
> Our friends of OLPC Italia came up with a good question: how would an
> introductory class for Sugar work in practice?  Both teachers and kids
> will be present to learn simultaneously, which makes things more
> interesting.
> Who actually went through such experience already?  How was the class
> organized?  What materials were used?  And, more importantly, ware there
> any issues to watch out for?

1. Outside a class a introduced XO's a group of 6 kids. I used a
freeform (no structure). Kids when to youtube and hyves and both sites
did not work. Kids got frustrated of the XO's slowness.

2. I an class with only one XO we told the teacher let kids play as a
bonus and ask afterward what they discovered. Here the kid like the XO a

My recommondation would are:

guide form:
- no internet first time
- make groups with tasks
- let childeren tell their experiance
- Let the teacher not to be in charge off the class (take over control)
- short time (one hour max)
- make clear choise what to discover,
- have goals per session (measuring succes)

or if use free form:
- no internet
- limited time
- no questions for teacher or guiders.
- no active interventions,
- no active observation, (do sometime else).
- afterwards let kids tell
  - what not worked
  - what worked


http://martenvijn.nl                 Marten Vijn
http://martenvijn.nl/trac/wiki/soas  Sugar on a Stick
http://bsd.wifisoft.org/nek/         The Network Event Kit
http://har2009.org                   13th-16th August
http://opencommunitycamp.org         26th Jul - 2nd August

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