[Olpc-za] want to start a project funded by UniSA
Evert Groenewald
evert at coldsea.co.za
Mon Mar 11 15:32:55 EDT 2013
On 11/03/2013 15:48, Jonker, Erastus wrote:
> This message (and attachments) is subject to restrictions and a
> disclaimer. Please refer to http://www.unisa.ac.za/disclaimer for full
> details.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi
> I want to do a project in poor churches with these laptops. I'm
> struggling to contact One Laptop per child and would like to know
> under which conditions these laptops will be sold. The last time I
> checked I could buy them at $209 each with a minimum order of 100. Is
> this still valid? I tried to check the previous posts on the website
> but I don't have the program to unzip the files. Which program do I
> need for this?
> Kind Regards
> Erastus "Rastie" Jonker
> Editorial Assistant Journal of Early Christian History/ Religion &
> Theology
> Tel (w): 0124294050
> e-mail: jonkee at unisa.ac.za/erastusjonker at gmail.com
> Postal Address: Posbus 26797, Monumentpark, 0105
> "All human beings are condemned to live lives of uncertainty and
> absurdity, commited to subjective truths that can never be proved."
> --- S. Kierkegaard
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Not really sure what you mean by "I tried to check the previous posts on
the website but I don't have the program to unzip the files." I would
assume that you went here http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-za/
and downloaded the archives. 7Zip
http://www.7-zip.org/download.html or Peazip
http://peazip.sourceforge.net/ will open the files in Windows. In
Linux, Ark or 7Zip will do it, use your package manager to search for,
download and install it.
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