[Olpc-za] Fix clock problem
Josh-lin Schereka
jschereka at aquaduct.co.za
Mon Nov 29 04:09:44 EST 2010
Where can one but these olpc's and are they as great as the claim to be???
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-----Original Message-----
From: olpc-za-bounces at lists.laptop.org
[mailto:olpc-za-bounces at lists.laptop.org] On Behalf Of Henk Boshoff
Sent: 29 November 2010 11:02
To: OLPC South Africa Interest Group
Subject: Re: [Olpc-za] Fix clock problem
I'm impressed by the size of the battery....
The only piece of information I can give you is that it might be due to
the Nokia built in security. Nokia usually has some proprietory stuff
built into their cables, to prevent people from using standard cables on
their phones. I suggest building up a cable from scratch. It is fairly
easy to do, and would cost about R10. If as much. You could source the
components at any electronics shop... (Maybe a bit difficult in
Saldanha, but try TV and Computer repair shops). You could also buy
general components from the following companies, and I'm sure they would
be able to ship to you. (Depending on how much you are willing to pay
for shipping I suppose). The connector part numbers for serial ports are
usually called DB9 male and female.
http://za.rs-online.com/web/ --> RS Components
http://www.communica.co.za/ --> Communica, (Their webpage is currently
down, but should go up again soon)
I hope the information help you. If not ... mabye next time.
On 2010/11/28 09:09 PM, Evert Groenewald wrote:
> Op 28/11/2010 20:04, het Henk Boshoff geskryf:
>> On 2010/11/28 07:11 PM, Evert Groenewald wrote:
>>> "RTC chip lost
>>> power"http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Fix_clock problem. I've tried without
>>> much success to fix the problem.
>> Hi Evert,
>> By the sounds of it your Real Time Clock (RTC) chip does not work. (It
>> is the chip that keeps time and some bios data for the computer, even
>> when swithced off) My most obvious thought would be that the RTC clock
>> battery needs replacement. I'm not 100% sure about architecture, and
>> whether a dead battery would halt operation (Usually it wouldn't), but
>> the battery is about the size of a R2 coin on the main board.
>> Where are you based? Maybe you could pop in so that I can check your
>> serial cable for you.
>> Regards
>> Henk Boshoff.
> Hi Henk
> Sorry in hindsight I should have been clearer as to what I have tried
> before posting. I've changed the c-mos battery ( it is actually the size
> of the old 1/2 (half) cent piece);-) . I then tried to get hold of a
> serial adapter without success. So I then got the Nokia cable - as it
> have a built in serial adapter- , unfortunately I don't have the tools
> or knowledge to adapt the cable so I asked a friend to do it. Tonight I
> tried it without success.
> I live in the Saldanha area, which is a bit out of the way:-[ .
> evert
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