[Olpc-za] OLPC Give Many pricing reduced

Saffron Baggallay saffbag at global.co.za
Fri Nov 28 02:24:02 EST 2008

I have no idea how you guys got my email address, I have no idea what you are talking about. 

Please stop emailing me.


Saffron Baggallay
Training and development consultant
Imbewu-Yethu, Our Seed
Cell: 082 445 0318
email: saffron at ourseed.co.za
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Marco Rosa 
  To: 'OLPC South Africa Interest Group' 
  Sent: Friday, November 28, 2008 9:04 AM
  Subject: Re: [Olpc-za] OLPC Give Many pricing reduced


  I have a contact through MTN who may be able to help with the wireless certification but I have a few questions:

    a.. Why do we need wireless certification if the XO's are not going to be directly connecting to a 3G network? 
    b.. In the message from Jeff there is a calculation for 100 XO's. Why x 400? 
    c.. Which Rotary club is looking to sponsor a deployment? In what area? 
    d.. Any news on the setting up up of a formal OLPC structure is SA yet?

  -----Original Message-----
  From: olpc-za-bounces at lists.laptop.org [mailto:olpc-za-bounces at lists.laptop.org] On Behalf Of Morgan Collett
  Sent: 27 November 2008 03:26 PM
  To: OLPC South Africa Interest Group
  Subject: Re: [Olpc-za] OLPC Give Many pricing reduced

  On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 15:18, Jeff <jeff at wildcoast.com> wrote:
  > On 27 Nov 2008, at 2:58 PM, Morgan Collett wrote:
  >> http://laptop.org/en/participate/give-many.shtml has new pricing for
  >> the Give Many program.
  >> The minimum order is still 100 XOs, but now it seems the price has
  >> come down to $259 per XO whereas it was previously $310.
  > Thanks for the info, Morgan.
  > Does that mean it's available for purchase through Amazon on the G1G1
  > program, too? (Guess not.) Last time I looked it said that the product
  > is unavailable and they don't know when it will be. ... And why won't
  > they let us buy from Amazon on the G1G1 program?

  If we can get information on the required certifications for the XO (ICASA I presume) then we can get South Africa added as a destination for G1G1 through amazon.co.uk/xo. I have tried contacting ICASA but if anyone else has contacts or time to spend on this it would be appreciated.

  > I have half the Rotary club here clamoring for them (they've just
  > sponsored our WiFi network..... eventually after trying for a year an
  > a half to get the promised sponsorship from ....... (names withheld.)
  > Lemme see now, 100 x $259.00 = $25,900 = R259,000.  ..... times by 400
  > = R1,036,000.00 for us to get a school up and running. We have the XS
  > server and support team, but where do you think we can get the money?
  > Any suggestions?

  I hear rumours about more deployments coming to SA. I'll try (harder) to get in touch with the funders (in the USA) so that we can recommend local schools for them.

  Olpc-za mailing list
  Olpc-za at lists.laptop.org

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