[Olpc-za] Getting involved

Lungi Siqebengu (LuW) lungis at iafrica.com
Thu Aug 21 05:30:49 EDT 2008

Thank you Morgan for the input ! 

One other avenue that I think needs exploration - is Goverment or "The Ruling Party". 
In most cases I find that "outside SA"  people when they want to get involved - say donations etc...etc. 
They usually start with gov. Unfortunately gov with a shopping-list of needs, there is no significant appearance of OLPC (or similars) in their list.
So if the OLPC Activists, such as the ones in this list - make the necessary noises and appearances, there could be a significant implant in the minds of the powers-that-be.

By the way the above is not the only entry - it is in addition to Morgan's  points. 




 ----- Original Message ------
 From:Morgan Collett
 Sent:Thursday, August 21, 2008 11:05
 To:OLPC South Africa Interest Group olpc-za at lists.laptop.org; 
 Subject:Re: [Olpc-za] Getting involved

 On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 10:43, Marco Rosa wrote: 
> Hi. Could someone please help me with information on how to get involved 
> with OLPC in South Africa, particularly in the Western Cape. Thanks, 

Hi Marco 

There's very little happening, which means you can choose anything and 
it will make a difference :-) 

As far as deployments go, there are none in the Western Cape. There's 
one in Gauteng at Kliptown Youth Project in Soweto, and there's one 
happening now in Limpopo at three small schools. Both of those were 
funded by donations (Give Many) by overseas people and organisations. 

Here then are some ways to get involved locally: 
* Find organisations willing to donate, to raise funds to run a 
deployment in the Western Cape. Minimum order is 100 XOs, and someone 
must take responsibility for doing the deployment - and additional 
things are required too like access points, internet connectivity, 
generators, server for the school, etc. 
* Work with educators, educational organisations, on the Sugar 
software - get them set up with it on say Ubuntu on conventional 
computers, get them involved in using/testing the software and giving 

Or you could get involved in the (global project) software development 
process, contributing or testing or documenting... 

You can apply through the contributors program to get an XO, and use 
that for development, or demonstrating to raise funds, etc. 

Or any number of other things I can't think of right now :) 

What appeals to you? 

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Olpc-za at lists.laptop.org 

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