[Olpc-za] A Journey into Constructivism

Jeff jeff at wildcoast.com
Sun Aug 26 14:12:23 EDT 2007

Antoine van Gelder wrote:

> Jeff wrote some great stuff but also said:
>> We don't have time for a slow debate.
> Suggest to check the unverbalized assumption:
>   "We cannot debate while we are implementing"
> So I'll see your no time and raise you a:
>   "With the future of man(and woman)kind at stake we cannot afford to
>    have any kind of debate except a slow one!!!"

And in 4 years time - when the next generation XO comes out and which  
SA buys into - a couple million kids will have been left out. The  
kids from marginalized areas - where the traditional culture and  
hierarchies are been supplanted with democracy and alcohol... and  
their land for menial jobs.

There is no debate about the value of the educational tool. There's  
only debate about content and uses of the XO... which are limited by  
copyright and communications regulation (well that's the same thing,  

See what I mean? Open communication covers a lot of ground.


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