[Sur] [Sugar-devel] [SLOBS] [IAEP] [SLOB] meeting reminder and some open issues to discuss

Adam Holt holt en laptop.org
Sab Mayo 7 10:12:54 EDT 2016

On Sat, May 7, 2016 at 6:41 AM, Laura Vargas <laura en somosazucar.org> wrote:

> 2016-05-07 9:28 GMT+08:00 Adam Holt <holt en laptop.org>:
>> On May 6, 2016 5:45 PM, "Laura Vargas" <laura en somosazucar.org> wrote:
>> > the budget allowed for Chris Leonard's Internationalization tasks
>> (USD$12,000.00)
>> On this narrow point, I'd (assume) Translation Community Manager outlay
>> represents $12,000 + 10% for SFConservancy = $13,200 total, from May 1st
>> 2016 to Apr 30 2017 anyway.
> Thank you Adam for helping us understand. I had no idea how the
> contribution for the SFC was calculated. Does the 10% apply for every
> transaction (incomes and outcomes) or is it only for outcomes?
> Can you please confirm if the 10% (USD$ 1,200) will go under the "Donated
> To [Software Freedom] Conservancy" liability account?

I'm presuming so.

In other words that SL's effective payment to SFConservancy (for
legal/financial/administrative service) is equal to 10% of all expenditures
(outlays) each fiscal year, i.e. March 1st to end of February.

(But someone else can correct me if I'm wrong!)
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