[Sur] Planet Sugarlabs Latinoamerica

Nicolás Pace nicopace en gmail.com
Dom Mayo 29 15:15:04 EDT 2011

On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Gustavo Ibarra <ibarrags en gmail.com> wrote:
> Durante el 2009 junto Alejandro "alecu" Cura (SugarLabs Argentina)
> gestionamos espacio para un "Mirror in Argentina for SugarLabs".
> ¿ Podríamos intentar de usar los mismo recursos ?

Por lo que tengo entendido, un mirror simplemente replica la
información que está en un servidor primario.
El objetivo de este es servir de backup / balanceo de carga /
distribución geográfica del contenido para la mejor provisión / etc.
Gustavo, Esto es lo que propones?

La otra interpretación sería mudar Sugarlabs
Argentina/Latinoamérica/Hispana a USLA.

Por lo que puede leer de los mails, la idea era tambien migrar parte
de los hosts (como downloads.sugarlabs.org). De esta manera podríamos
ser más autónomos.

Me confunde un poco pq un mirror no tiene que atajar tooodo el
tráfico, sino solo el residual.

> ¿ Saben si el mirror esta funcionando ?
> Quienes también participaron en el tema fueron:
> The one who participated were:
> David Farning (SugarLabs)
> Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero (SugarLabs)
> Gabriel gacq Acquistapace <gacq en cafelug.org.ar> (Cafelug.AR)
> Leer mas abajo copio los correos.


> During 2009 together with Alejandro "alecu"(SugarLabs Argentina) cura
> with manager the space for the "Mirror in Argentina for SugarLabs".
> ¿ Could we try to use the same resources?

For what i understand, a mirror simply copies the information located
in a primary server.
The main responsability is tu serve as a backup / load balancer / geo
provisioning of content / etc.
Gustavo, is this what you propose?

Also what you've said could be interpreted as to move all Sugarlabs
Argentina/LatinAmerica/"Hispana" to USLA.

For what i can read from the emails, the idea was also to migrate part
of the hosts (like downloads.sugarlabs.org). In this way we could be
more autonomous.

I didn't quite get what you tried to propose, mainly because a mirror
doen't have to handle all the incoming traffic, but just a little part
of it.


> ¿Do you nok if "Mirror" is working?
> The one who participated were:
> David Farning (SugarLabs)
> Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero (SugarLabs)
> Gabriel gacq Acquistapace <gacq en cafelug.org.ar> (Cafelug.AR)
> Here below are the email we echanged
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Alejandro J. Cura <alecura en gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 9:26 AM
> Subject: Bandwidth requerido para mirror sugarlabs
> To: Gabriel gacq Acquistapace <gacq en cafelug.org.ar>
> Cc: Gustavo Ibarra <ibarrags en gmail.com>
> Hola gacq,
> según lo que nos responden, se puede hacer un mirror para Argentina, o
> un mirror para Sudamérica.
> El tráfico actual para sudamérica es de 200gb por mes.
> Para argentina, estiman que es de 5gb por mes.
> No tengo idea que disponibilidad habrá en usla, pero si te parece
> podríamos empezar siendo mirror para Argentina, y luego vamos viendo.
> saludos,
> --
> alecu
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Farning <dfarning en sugarlabs.org>
> Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 00:10
> Subject: Re: [IAEP] We want to create our local Sugar Labs Argentina.-
> To: Gustavo Ibarra <ibarrags en gmail.com>
> Cc: Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero <dirakx en gmail.com>, "Alejandro J.
> Cura" <alecura en gmail.com>
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Gustavo Ibarra <ibarrags en gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey David!
>> Good news!
> Hey, that is great new!
>> In order to the requests made to Alejandro "alecu" Cura, we have
>> (SugarLabs Argentina) got the possibility of installing a mirror in
>> USLA www.usla.org.ar.
>> We need to know ¿how much GB traffic do you stimate?
> The way we set this up is for all traffic to initially go to the Sugar
> Labs data centre.  From there it is redirect to mirrors according to
> some rules.
> 1. Global -
> 2. Continent -
> 3. Country -
> 4. ASN -
> Working backward--
> Autonomous System Number - Traffic will only go to a specific network.
> Country - Traffic will only go to site which geoIP identify as being
> in a particular country.  The is how we set up Australia and Paraguay.
>  Australians pay a surcharge for traffic which enters of leaves there
> country.  Paraguay has some flaky international links. We can give
> them the best user experience by running a mirror in Paraguay which
> serves users inside the county.
> I would estimate that a mirror limited to Argentinian users would
> serve about 5GB per month
> Continent - Traffic will go to anywhere in South America.  Current
> traffic for SA is about 200GB per month.
> Global - SA is a net consumer of Sugar Bandwidth. Argentina would fill
> its share of the load meeting SA's needs so nothing would be sent to
> the rest of the world.
> On a global basis, our traffic is doubling every three months .  I
> think Argentina's growth is slightly above that for the last couple of
> months.
> So, depending on you available bandwidth and internet connections, I
> would suggest either country (5GB per month) or content (200GB per
> month)
> david
>> On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 12:16
> AM, David Farning <dfarning en sugarlabs.org> wrote:
>>> Off list
>>> Hey guys,
>>> I was wondering if you could poke around and find mirrors in AR and
>>> CO.  A mirror is really simple.  If is just a server which serves
>>> files via HTTP and syncs against download.sugarlabs.org.   Many
>>> universities and internet related companies host them on a spare
>>> server.
>>> We don't really need additional mirror at the point. ibibilo.org has
>>> committed to meeting our bandwidth needs for the next couple of years.
>>> But, more importantly, I would like to change the perception of local
>>> labs within Sugar Labs and across the world.  Currently, there is a
>>> perception that Sugar is a product is which the developed world
>>> exports to developing countries.  OLPC used this perception very
>>> heavily in their fund raising.
>>> But this creates a number of problems.
>>> 1.  US and European school don't want to use Sugar because they see it
>>> as a second rate solution.
>>> 2. Other countries don't want to use Sugar because doing so will label
>>> them as developing
>>> 3.  Existing deployments see themselves as consumers.
>>> This perception is reinforced by http://mirrors.sugarlabs.org/ .  A
>>> subtle yet easy way to change this is for countries which deploy Sugar
>>> or have Local Labs is for them to have mirrors listed on mirrors.sl.o.
>>> david
>>> On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Gustavo Ibarra <ibarrags en gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
>>>> <dirakx en gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Having for granted that you have already a strong group of individuals
>>>>> or ''core'' that are willing to take the lead on all the tasks related
>>>>> to a local lab, we can begin to work with the infrastructure team to
>>>>> set you up a wiki, maillist and @ar.sugarlabs.org mails.
>>>> This are good news for us and will be able to contribute to the
>>>> comunity SL/OLPC from SLA.
>>>> Rafael, Let's keep in touch for set up topics through the mail list
>>>> argentina en laptop
>>>>> About communication with other local labs Chile and Colombia have
>>>>> their own wikis and mailists we can begin also to work on -sur (as
>>>>> always ;))
>>>> yes, off course.
>>>> cheers, gustavo.-
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Gustavo Ibarra <ibarrags en gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 9:14 PM
> Subject: Mirror in Argentina for SugarLabs
> To: David Farning <dfarning en sugarlabs.org>
> Cc: Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero <dirakx en gmail.com>, "Alejandro J.
> Cura" <alecura en gmail.com>
> Hello David
> With the support of USLA, SugarLabs Argentina have got the ok to start
> with mirror for argentina -5GB x month -
> In th future, if everything goes right, we could do it for southamerica.
> We will be waiting for you answer to know how to continue
> Go SugarLabs!
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 12:10 AM, David Farning <dfarning en sugarlabs.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Gustavo Ibarra <ibarrags en gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey David!
>>> Good news!
>> Hey, that is great new!
>>> In order to the requests made to Alejandro "alecu" Cura, we have
>>> (SugarLabs Argentina) got the possibility of installing a mirror in
>>> USLA www.usla.org.ar.
>>> We need to know ¿how much GB traffic do you stimate?
>> The way we set this up is for all traffic to initially go to the Sugar
>> Labs data centre.  From there it is redirect to mirrors according to
>> some rules.
>> 1. Global -
>> 2. Continent -
>> 3. Country -
>> 4. ASN -
>> Working backward--
>> Autonomous System Number - Traffic will only go to a specific network.
>> Country - Traffic will only go to site which geoIP identify as being
>> in a particular country.  The is how we set up Australia and Paraguay.
>>  Australians pay a surcharge for traffic which enters of leaves there
>> country.  Paraguay has some flaky international links. We can give
>> them the best user experience by running a mirror in Paraguay which
>> serves users inside the county.
>> I would estimate that a mirror limited to Argentinian users would
>> serve about 5GB per month
>> Continent - Traffic will go to anywhere in South America.  Current
>> traffic for SA is about 200GB per month.
>> Global - SA is a net consumer of Sugar Bandwidth. Argentina would fill
>> its share of the load meeting SA's needs so nothing would be sent to
>> the rest of the world.
>> On a global basis, our traffic is doubling every three months .  I
>> think Argentina's growth is slightly above that for the last couple of
>> months.
>> So, depending on you available bandwidth and internet connections, I
>> would suggest either country (5GB per month) or content (200GB per
>> month)
>> david
>>> On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 12:16
>> AM, David Farning <dfarning en sugarlabs.org> wrote:
>>>> Off list
>>>> Hey guys,
>>>> I was wondering if you could poke around and find mirrors in AR and
>>>> CO.  A mirror is really simple.  If is just a server which serves
>>>> files via HTTP and syncs against download.sugarlabs.org.   Many
>>>> universities and internet related companies host them on a spare
>>>> server.
>>>> We don't really need additional mirror at the point. ibibilo.org has
>>>> committed to meeting our bandwidth needs for the next couple of years.
>>>> But, more importantly, I would like to change the perception of local
>>>> labs within Sugar Labs and across the world.  Currently, there is a
>>>> perception that Sugar is a product is which the developed world
>>>> exports to developing countries.  OLPC used this perception very
>>>> heavily in their fund raising.
>>>> But this creates a number of problems.
>>>> 1.  US and European school don't want to use Sugar because they see it
>>>> as a second rate solution.
>>>> 2. Other countries don't want to use Sugar because doing so will label
>>>> them as developing
>>>> 3.  Existing deployments see themselves as consumers.
>>>> This perception is reinforced by http://mirrors.sugarlabs.org/ .  A
>>>> subtle yet easy way to change this is for countries which deploy Sugar
>>>> or have Local Labs is for them to have mirrors listed on mirrors.sl.o.
>>>> david
>>>> On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Gustavo Ibarra <ibarrags en gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero
>>>>> <dirakx en gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Having for granted that you have already a strong group of individuals
>>>>>> or ''core'' that are willing to take the lead on all the tasks related
>>>>>> to a local lab, we can begin to work with the infrastructure team to
>>>>>> set you up a wiki, maillist and @ar.sugarlabs.org mails.
>>>>> This are good news for us and will be able to contribute to the
>>>>> comunity SL/OLPC from SLA.
>>>>> Rafael, Let's keep in touch for set up topics through the mail list
>>>>> argentina en laptop
>>>>>> About communication with other local labs Chile and Colombia have
>>>>>> their own wikis and mailists we can begin also to work on -sur (as
>>>>>> always ;))
>>>>> yes, off course.
>>>>> cheers, gustavo.-
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Ing. Nicolás Pace

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