[Sur] escuelab is ready to go : )

Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero dirakx en gmail.com
Jue Mayo 7 14:44:52 EDT 2009

Felicitaciones kiko! Congrats!

Rafael Ortiz

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 5:04 PM, kikomayorga <kikomayorga en gmail.com> wrote:

> hi everyone!
> been very busy,
> but,
> finally,
> after a long work,
> escuelab starts running!
> on saturday we held our first meeting with teachers from the near-sierra
> region, you can see some pics from that day here<http://www.escuelab.org/contenido/grupo-de-interaprendizaje-tecnol%C3%B3gico-giat-xo-huarochir%C3%AD-escuelab-todos-los-s%C3%A1bados-de-may>
> ,,
> and on other activities held at escuelab, you can find out on the escuelab´s
> home page <http://www.escuelab.org>
> from this week and on, we´re holding weekly XO meetings, every saturday....
> from 9am till 6pm,,,
> soon i´ll be reporting deeper, just needed to share!
> thanks to the contributors program, to adam, to olpc and the constant
> inspiration we get from you all supportgangers!
> if someone of you is planning to visit Lima, Perú,
> please call/write and come by!
> best!
> Kiko
> +511 3304583 (escuelab)
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