[Sur] receta para TortugArte

Walter Bender walter.bender en gmail.com
Vie Dic 11 07:27:43 EST 2009

My apologies for responding to Daniel in English.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 7:46 PM, Daniel Ajoy <da.ajoy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Walter wrote:
>> ¿Alguno de los programas de ejemplo existentes que vienen con
>> TortugArte de uso? ¿O son demasiado complejos?
> I'm not in contact with children. And I only had a chance to see what TurtleArt was before TurtleArt Porfolio.
> What I noticed then was that the examples gave the impression that the use of TurtleArt was to make eye-pleasing abstract art.

It is true that most of the examples shipped with Turtle Art are
"screensavers". But there are many that go in different directions. I
recommend that you look at

> I would have liked to see more examples of TurtleArt being used to:
> * work with numbers
> * draw carefully planed and accurate designs (not fractal curves)

Essentially, any problem/program in the Logo tradition can be done
with Turtle Art. But as mentioned, we don't include many examples.

> I'm still tring to figure out for myself the answer to the questions:
> what does TurtleArt excels at?
> it what aspects TurtleArt is a better alternative than Scratch or Etoys?

All three programs share the same underlying philosophies and many of
of the same developers worked on all three. But in the context of
Sugar, each excels in a different area. Turtle Art is the most tightly
integrated with Sugar and is perhaps the most accessible to very young
children. Etoys is the richest, with many entrées into science.
Scratch has been heavily promoted outside of Sugar, hence it has the
largest following. But the Sugar integration is almost completely
lacking--no journal access.

> I don't feel I have good answers to those questions yet.

I would think that different teachers would find one or another of the
three suitable for their own purposes. We give a choice because none
of the programs is yet perfect.

> Daniel
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Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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