[Sur] [ASLO] Nueva version Visual Match-8

Walter Bender walter.bender en gmail.com
Sab Dic 5 09:07:09 EST 2009

Por favor,

1. After Turtle Art fails, open the Log activity;
2. There will be an entry for Turtle Art (on the list to the left);
3. Click on the entry and the error message will appear on the right;
4. Please copy the error message to the clipboard (using the copy
button on the toolbar);
5. Please paste the error message into an email so that I can look at it.



2009/12/5 rosamel norma ramirez mendez <rosanor43 at hotmail.com>:
> Ayer fui muy emocionada y bajé y traté e instalar en mi XO la nueva versión
> de turtle....pero no abre...alguien sabe por qué?
> Rosamel
>> To: olpc-sur at lists.laptop.org
>> Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 17:03:51 -0500
>> From: activities at sugarlabs.org
>> Subject: [Sur] [ASLO] Nueva version Visual Match-8
>> Página web de la actividad:
>> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/addon/4246
>> Sugar Platform:
>> 0.82 - 0.86
>> Descargar ahora:
>> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/downloads/file/26495/visual_match-8.xo
>> Notas de la versión:
>> * fixed bug in new game labels
>> * added unselect
>> Sugar Labs Activities
>> http://activities.sugarlabs.org
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Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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