[Olpc-open] [Its.an.education.project] Sorry, what are we teaching? How?

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Mon May 19 21:47:58 EDT 2008

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 3:07 AM, info at olpc-peru.info
<info at olpc-peru.info> wrote:
> Dave Crossland wrote:
> It will have other effects that we do not know about yet.
> Gutenberg had no thought of supporting the Renaissance, the
> Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, or anything else that followed
> from printing. He wanted to print Bibles and other books that had been
> written by hand before, in expensive editions for those who were
> already buying books, mostly in the Church. Nobody knew that Aldus
> Manutius, Martin Luther, and Galileo Galilei were coming, or any of
> the others, nor what convulsions their productions would inspire.
> Nope.  The French King that authorize Diderot to publish the Encyclopedia
> ask him "who will cultivate our
> fields IF the peasants come to the city to read the knowledge that comes
> inside the Encyclopedia" and...
> he ask too... "would not be too dangerous to put all the knowledge in the
> hands of all people that can
> read?"...  In the end The King authorize Diderot's Encyclopedia and that was
> in some way the start of a
> whole process that will end with the bloody French revolution (the base of
> our society).
> More than 18,000 people were sent to the guillotine and at least the same
> amount die in prison without trial.

Oh, yes, eventually Kings and Church leaders got the idea, but this is
300 years after Gutenberg.

> I would like to see their textbooks and have a community critique of them.
> I'd be interested to hear if the textbooks are made by the Peruvian
> ministry, or by a private company. If its a private company, I expect
> that getting them published online for this kind of analysis will be
> hopeless :-(
> textbooks are written according to the instructions of the Ministry of
> Education.  Printed by the
> goverment and delivered by the goverment (that is for public schools,
> private schools need to
> follow the curricula but they write and print its own books).
> Regards,
> Javier Rodriguez
> Lima, Peru

Well, let us see what the Ministerio de Educación Portal de
Transparencia has to say. I found a few links of interest, but nothing
on textbooks. Javier, could you inquire further for us? And did you
get a price for those alternators?


Educación Tecnológica llega a escuelas más pobres de Lambayeque.- 28 Abr. 2008

 Plan Estratégico Institucional 2007-2011 del Ministerio de Educación.
    Publicado el 13 Nov. 2007
Gives figures for schools without electricity, but no mention of computers.

Actual Director de Investigación, Supervisión y Documentación Educativa (e):
Armando Martín Barrantes Martínez
R.M. Nº 0095-2008-ED
 (29 Ene. 2008)

La Dirección de Investigación, Supervisión y Documentación Educativa
es responsable de realizar investigaciones y supervisión educacional
para el desarrollo de la calidad del sistema educativo. Depende del
Viceministerio de Gestión Pedagógica.

Actual Director de Tutoría y Orientación Educativa:

María Teresa Ramos Flores (e)
    R.M. Nº 0024-2007-ED
    (01 Feb. 2007)

Somos la Dirección del MED responsable de formular políticas, brindar
asesoría técnica pedagógica, producir materiales educativos, realizar
la coordinación intersectorial, así como, el seguimiento, evaluación e
investigaciones de la Tutoría y Orientación Educativa que permitan a
las Direcciones Regionales de Educación, Unidades de Gestión Local e
Instituciones Educativas implementar un sistema de acompañamiento
grupal e individual a los estudiantes con el fin de contribuir a su
adecuada formación integral.
Producir, publicar y distribuir materiales educativos para las
diferentes modalidades de la educación relacionadas con la tutoría y
orientación educativa.

Actual Director de Educación Primaria:

Jorge Julio Cobian Cruz (e)
    R.M. Nº 0187-2007-ED
    (09 May. 2007)

Edward Cherlin
End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay

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