[Olpc-open] Non-Profit Booth? (Was Re: [BDPA-Hardware] 2008 Nat'l BDPA Technology Conf...)

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 20:06:17 EST 2008

Some conferences offer free booths on the exhibits floor to non-profit
organizations. Would you be willing to do that for One Laptop Per
Child? We are sending XO laptops from our Give One Get One program to
schools in Rwanda and Ethiopia this year, and have high hopes for
purchases from other countries in Africa.

Would you also consider free booths for Engineers Without Borders and
other such organizations that work with OLPC?

If you are willing, we can also put you in contact with our supporters
at the companies that sponsor OLPC: Google, eBay, Red Hat, AMD, Pixel
Qi, Quanta, Brightstar and others who might then be interested in
exhibiting or otherwise participating. These are the companies that
most clearly understand where their next billion customers are going
to come from, and are therefore committed to effective global
development for basic bottom line reasons, in addition to their
various humanitarian impulses.

I recommend these companies to BDPA members for use of their products
and services, employment, and partnerships. I recommend also that you
shun those of their competitors who look at the poor only as people to
extract money from by trying to lock them into proprietary products.
and the Devil take the hindmost.

On Feb 19, 2008 4:39 AM, Wayne Hicks <whicks at bdpamail.org> wrote:
> Hotep BDPA members and supporters,
>  This is a reminder that up until February 28, 2008, the registration
> fee for the 2008 National BDPA Technology Conference is $250.  After
> that date, the fee will increase.
> 2008 National BDPA Technology Conference
> August 6 - 9, 2008
> ATLANTA, GA 30303- US
> Telephone: (404) 577-1234
> Click here for more details -->
> http://betf.blogspot.com/2007/11/2008-national-bdpa-technology.html
> Click here to subscribe to BDPA Foundation blog -->
> http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/emailverifySubmit?feedId=649683
> peace,
> Wayne Hicks
> Past President, Nat'l BDPA
> www.bdpa.org * (301) 322-3434
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/waynehicks
> LinkedIn BDPA Group --> http://tinyurl.com/2tnxqe

Edward Cherlin
End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay

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