[Olpc-open] [bytesforall_readers] GIS-based Community

Marika Vertzonis marika at maptel.com.au
Tue Feb 19 18:19:34 EST 2008

> I have poked into a few projects for GIS on the XO.  There are of
>  Open Street Maps and a great UK project that escapes my mind at the
> Most if not all of the projects for mapping or the tabulation of data
onto a
> map system are going to require non free flash, or non free java.
> of which are great answers.  Nor do we have a low cost usb GPS system
> the XO yet.

> Is anyone else interested in projects like these?

> Seth

I am very interesting in being a part of the development of a standalone
(but connected!) GIS application for the OLPC. I believe the key focus
for the GIS application should be the collaboration features of the
OLPC, that children are able to build and share a single map in real
time. Just as multiple OLPC users can edit and view the same text
document simultaneously, a class of children should be able to build a
map. For example, the class could be distributed around the school/town
area, measuring, describing, comparing data. the www.globe.org.uk
project shows that there are varying degrees (in complexity and cost) of
'sensors' that can be used, and of course the onboard measure
application is a fantastic tool to integrate with GIS. I had not heard
of www.ewb.org.au before this thread, but have since looked up my local
chapter and see that there's a meeting in Melbourne next Thursday (28th
Feb) which I hope to attend. I look forward to meeting others that are
interested in the GIS and/or the OLPC.


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