[Olpc-open] [possible improvement]built-in identity module

xuan wu wuxuan.ecios at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 13:44:10 EST 2007

> People should have the freedom to remain anonymous.  The right to
> read/speak anonymity is the keystone supporting personal privacy, which
> ought to be a basic civil and human right.

I agree. Though  I acknowledge the right, I don't want to encourage it.
People tend to use the right when they are afraid of the possible
consequences or try to avoid the responsibility of facing and answering the
possible questions and disagreement. If the message can't be delivered with
his real name,  then maybe he'd better deliver it in another way which is
more acceptable by both sides, and by this way, there'll be more negotiation
and less conflict ion.

"You cannot have freedom of speech without the option to remain
> anonymous. Most censorship is retrospective, it is generally much easier
> to curtail free speech by punishing those who exercise it afterward,
> rather than preventing them from doing it in the first place. The only
> way to prevent this is to remain anonymous."

To hide away is to make enemies. Now that we are not at war, we should be
more open to each other. The only way to be safe is to talk in public and
make as many people know you and hear you as possible.
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