[olpc-nz] Fwd: OLPC volunteers this Saturday Wellington - How to pull apart and rebuild your XO

Tabitha Roder tabitha at hrdnz.com
Mon May 11 00:18:18 EDT 2009


We have received the request below; all in favour of starting working
on this for Sugar team this Saturday? Thanks for the focus Walter!
June gives us a few weekends to lend a hand.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com>
Date: 2009/5/11
Subject: Re: OLPC volunteers this Saturday Wellington - How to pull
apart and rebuild your XO
To: Tabitha Roder <tabitha.roder at gmail.com>
Cc: sdz at sugarlabs.org

Hope all is well in Wellington. Spring has finally arrived in Boston.

I was wondering if the Wellington Team would be interested/able to
help us test the activities we are including on the next Sugar on a
Stick release--currently scheduled for late June. It will be another
Beta, but we'd like to be a bit more thorough in finding any problems
with the activities so that we can be sure to address them in time for
the final release in September/October.

The SoaS lead is Sebastian Dziallas. He can help to make sure you are
getting access to the freshest bit. The Trac query that pulls up all
of the open tickets for SoaS is:



Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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