[Olpc-france] Fwd: [OLPC-SF] learning implode... (URGENT)
s.boutayeb at free.fr
s.boutayeb at free.fr
Wed Jun 17 13:13:51 EDT 2009
Hi Samy,
I'm not on olpc-france. Can you forward this? Tom Wadbrook is in
Senegal for a very short time.
Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tom Wadbrook <tomwadbrook at drewschool.org>
Date: Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 1:53 AM
Subject: RE: [OLPC-SF] learning implode...
To: Tom Wadbrook <tomwadbrook at drewschool.org>, Sameer Verma
<sverma at sfsu.edu>, olpc-sf at lists.laptop.org
In fact, I'm going to follow that last email right up with a request for
assistance... if anyone out there can do some legwork in the next 24
hours, it would be a huge help. I'm looking for some content to load on
our laptops, specifically, French language children's books in epub
format (we're using FBReader instead of the Reader activity). Also the
Koran, also in French epub. I had a hard time finding much before
arriving here other than a couple of books about a character called
Miquette. If you can help, please do! Email directly to me - tom at
drewschool dot org.
Many thanks,
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Wadbrook
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 8:41 AM
To: 'Sameer Verma'; 'olpc-sf at lists.laptop.org'
Subject: RE: [OLPC-SF] learning implode...
I'm sitting in my hotel room planning a lesson for about an hour from
now - eight teachers from the primary school in the village of Keur
Sadaro, Senegal. It's lesson four, I've been here in Senegal a week now
deploying 25 XOs to the school and things are going fantastically. We're
moving quicker than we ideally would, but considering we have only one
previous computer user among the eight, we're making great progress. And
your email arriving right now made me realize that today we will play
some games, including Memory and Implode (after sharing yesterday's
homework - a short essay titled "Ma Vie", which we will share,
collaboratively correct, and maybe insert a self-portrait). Wish me
luck, up until this point I've had French and Wolof translators and
today I'm on my own!
Tom Wadbrook | Director of Technology | Drew School
2901 California Street | San Francisco, Ca | 94115
http://www.drewschool.org | 415-409-3739 x122 | cell 415 370 4207
-----Original Message-----
From: olpc-sf-bounces at lists.laptop.org
[mailto:olpc-sf-bounces at lists.laptop.org] On Behalf Of Sameer Verma
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 7:06 AM
To: olpc-open at lists.laptop.org; OLPC SF; iaep; Sugar Labs Marketing;
Sugar-dev Devel
Subject: [OLPC-SF] learning implode...
My daughter, who is 3 years and 7 months old has largely stayed away
from the XO (or for that matter computers in general) other than
mimicking me by turning on the XO and giving our guests/visitors an
unexpected short speech on "let me show you this computer. This is the
one laptop per child". She still likes her crayons and Lego blocks.
She's on her summer break at home these days, which has forced me to
get creative and keep her engaged. I introduced her to implode
(http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Implode) today. I showed her how to move
the "arrow" (she insists that I call it an arrow and not a mouse
because calling it a mouse is just silly) start a new implode game and
select three or more blocks of the same color. The goal is to get that
smiley face at the end of the game. One demo, plus some hints, and in
under three minutes, my daughter has become an implode player.
I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E !!! She even taught her mother how to play the
game later this evening.
For all the arm chair naysayers out there, get with the program!
Children are amazing!!!
Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA
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