[OLPC-DE] [Grassroots-l] Anyone going to 25C3?

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Fr Nov 28 19:14:29 EST 2008


On Monday 24 November 2008 03:15, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
> I was thinking that if enough people show up we could really plan some
> cool OLPC-related activities or something.

I've just created http://events.ccc.de/congress/2008/wiki/OLPC - please add 
your name and also feel free to edit the rest :-) 

I'll be there all four days, but several people from olpc.de will only be 
there the first day, so at least for olpc.de we've decided to meet on the 
first day. And we'd like to meet as many of OLPC contributors at possible! 

Do you think we should also try to get some tables, like last year, in a 
visible space like the first floor of the venue?


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