[OLPC-DE] Fwd: G1G1 Europe clarifications
Holger Levsen
holger at layer-acht.org
Sa Nov 15 18:02:17 EST 2008
ein wenig mehr Klarheit...
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Subject: G1G1 Europe clarifications
Date: Saturday 15 November 2008 17:44
From: "Planet OLPC: Daniel Drake" <bozo at dev.null.invalid>
[![One Laptop per Child: Give 1 Get 1][1]][2]
[Give One Get One][3] starts on Monday. I previously wrote about the
[European launch][4], which will be in addition to the promotion throughout
the United States.
While orders from the US will be fulfilled immediately, orders from Europe
will initially be _soft_, that is, you will register your interest to Give
One and Get One for the price of £275 (approximately €322), but you will not
be required to pay anything.
Amazon & One Laptop per Child will be working hard to convert those soft
orders into real ones in the next few days and weeks. Those who have
registered their interest will then receive information on how they can pay,
and when they can expect their 'Get' laptop to be delivered.
[1]: http://wiki.laptop.org/images/9/9c/G1G1Logo_badge.gif
[2]: http://xogiving.org
[3]: http://laptop.org/en/participate/give-one-get-one.shtml
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