[OLPC-DE] Fwd: [Grassroots-l] Help with the stuffer sheet translations
Holger Levsen
holger at layer-acht.org
Mi Nov 12 14:21:02 EST 2008
deutsch ist da zu 0% übersetzt.
220 strings sind nicht sooo viele :) Wer machts?
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [Grassroots-l] Help with the stuffer sheet translations
Date: Wednesday 12 November 2008 19:28
From: "Sayamindu Dasgupta" <sayamindu at gmail.com>
To: "localization list olpc" <localization at lists.laptop.org>, grassroots
<grassroots at lists.laptop.org>
The only piece of "physical" (as in paper) documentation which comes
with an XO is the stuffer-sheet (a sheet which shows you how to get
started with the laptop) [1]. I just uploaded a POT file into our
Pootle server, which contains all the strings (42) in the stuffer
sheet. You can find it in the project OLPC in Pootle:
It would be awesome if you could translate this into your languages -
this is important for us for the G1G1 as well as newer deployments. It
would be doubly awesome if this can be done as quickly as possible,
since G1G1 is pretty close ;-).
A primer to Pootle is at http://dev.laptop.org/~sayamindu/pootleforxo2.pdf
Thank you,
[1] For G1G1, there is also a signed letter by Nicholas Negroponte -
we are trying to get that translated as well.. more on that later
Sayamindu Dasgupta
Grassroots mailing list
Grassroots at lists.laptop.org
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